Dillo integrates Amazon SES to allow users to send Email using their email Sender.

You can configure your Email Sender on Dillo account by following these steps: 

  1. Login on your Dillo console https://console.dillo.cloud/ 
  2. From the left side navigation bar, click Email;
  3. Click Sender;
  4. Click on "+ Add a sender";
  5. Insert your Email Sender;
  6. Click on Save;
  7. You will receive an email from Amazon AWS with an activation link;
  8. Click on the activation link;
  9. Now your Sender will be activated on your account.

To improve your Emaildeliverability we recommend to configure also SPF Record into your Domain settings.

You can do it following this guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/it_it/ses/latest/dg/send-email-authentication-spf.html