Making payments on Dillo

Here you will find all articles referred to Payments

Setting Auto-Recharge
Auto-Recharge allows you to set one or two payment methods and refill automatically your Dillo's account when credit falls below a previously set thresh...
Mon, 20 Jul, 2020 at 11:14 AM
Setting Payment Methods
Adding and selecting a preferred payment method will allow you to recharge your account. Depending on your country and city, you can add payment methods s...
Mon, 20 Jul, 2020 at 11:49 AM
Effettuare la tua prima ricarica
Per effettuare la tua prima ricarica, seleziona la voce di menu Billing. Cliccando su Add Credits, vedrai un messaggio nella parte bassa dello sche...
Tue, 28 May, 2024 at 9:52 AM